CamGuard delivers rapidly deployable mobile security solutions. We can secure your site quickly and efficiently up to 75% cheaper than traditional manned security.
With height options up to 6 meters and an array of camera and detection technology, our Towers provide an overt security presence on any site and would make any would-be intruder think twice before entering.
All of our towers feature a high-speed 360° positioning camera capturing High Definition images of any potential intruders and transmitting these to remote operators. Each tower is also audio enabled, allowing remote operators to challenge intruders in real-time and inform them that they have been detected to prevent any further incursion.

- Up to 75% cheaper than manned security
- Mobile site security solution
- Rapid deployment
- Fully self contained protection system
- High Definition Cameras
- Wired and Wireless Detection
- Video Analytics for virtual site perimeter
- Reduced security cost with increased protection
- Multiple power options
- Battery back-up
- Multiple transmission options (4G/3G DSL or Satellite)
Each Tower can be used on its own or as part of a wider deployment. Contact us today to find out how we can reduce your site protection costs while increasing effectiveness.